Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dane Cook does this bit in his act about sounds-- sounds that make you happy (for him, it could be laundry in the dryer) and sounds that make you "want to punch babies" (he's not a fan of car alarms in the middle of the night. The whole thing is pretty hilarious... and it got me thinking about sounds I like.

For me, one of the sounds I enjoy the most is that of my text message ring tone. It's nothing special-- nothing funny, nothing uproarious... it's actually pretty professional, as far as mobile ring tones go.

It's less about the actual tone, per se, however, than what's behind it. People get excited when they get a text or a phone call on their mobile because it means that someone is thinking of them and wants to communicate with them. I think a basic desire we all have-- maybe it's a basic need-- is that we all want to feel wanted and cared about. We want people to want to talk to us, to communicate with us. That little ring or beep in your pocket indicates that.

There's nothing quite like an unsolicited beep or vibration to connect you back to one's community.


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