Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Radio Gaga

I definitely enjoy my Sirius Satellite Radio. Yep, I pay more for radio than most people, but it's worth it. I would estimate that I spend about 90% of my time listening to one station on it, however: BBC Radio 1.

I do have this obsession with Britain and a desire for an accent, I know. But above all of that, I do enjoy the station more than any I've found in North America. The music is just a bit ahead of the curve-- what's big there now will come over here in a month or so-- and I like being that guy who is aware of something before everyone else. Pathetic? Maybe a little, but I'm ok with it.

Several djs on Radio 1 are amazing. I spent my entire ride home today, however, listening to the Scott Mills Daily Podcast. The show cracks me up; I honestly don't remember the last time I listened to it and didn't laugh out loud. His sidekick, Beccy, is hilarious (as was his former sports reader, Chappers, who just recently left) and they just play off each other so well. Their daily guessing game, "OH! WHAT'S OCCURRING!?" is a riot-- they ask ridiculously funny situational questions and try to guesstimate responses. I can tell that they are actually fond of each other on the show, and the chemistry they have together seems so natural.

No matter how rough my day might be, I can guarantee that listening to the Scott Mills Show on my way home will change my mood for the better. I think that's a pretty remarkable thing.

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