Monday, April 5, 2010

Hard Core Logo

I wear almost exclusively brand names. Yep. I'm kind of a snob that way... or so most would think. But the thought process behind why I do goes beyond superficiality.

So anyone who knows me knows that I was a big kid who turned into a big adult. And let's not sugar coat it: by 'big' I mean, quite pointedly, morbidly obese. I was dangerously overweight. We're talking totally unhealthy, probably one doctor's visit away from being recommended gastric bypass, most likely pre-diabetic obese. You probably aren't aware of how many "x's" clothes can go up to... but I was pretty close to the top.

So, I lost some weight. Ok, a lot of weight. Like I lost an entire person. I'm healthier, that's for sure. But not a lot changed with me socially. I've never had the Dr. Phil fat person story. I was never shunned or by myself because of my weight. I don't remember being made fun of a lot... sure it happened now and then. (Ironically, the meanest thing people have said to me about my weight have been in the last three years since I've been thinner!) But I worked my ass off to make sure people got to know me for me. I didn't let my weight issue define who I was socially... which probably was part of the problem as I didn't feel like I needed to lose weight to gain more friends or respect or success. I was pretty happy.

So what does this have to do with clothing and brand name logos? Well, I never really got to wear many brand names when I was growing up as the companies didn't make clothes in my size. For the majority of time, I wore no name brands while all of my friends got to wear the latest things. Now, I wasn't all out of the loop-- some companies had big and tall lines... namely Tommy Hilfiger and Mossimo. I am actually quite grateful to them as they sort of allowed me to fit in... for a price. Big and tall clothing companies can charge whatever they want as people of size HAVE to purchase their clothes there.

I really just wanted to wear clothes from regular sized people clothes stores. When I'd go shopping with friends, I'd buy something from the big name stores-- socks, sunglasses, a scarf or something-- just so I could carry the bag around for the rest of the day and kind of fit in. Kinda pathetic, eh? My friends didn't care or probably weren't aware at all, but I was.

Now I can go into most stores and buy clothes. So I do. And it's so much cheaper than the big and tall stores-- even with brand names. So even though I'm called a snob for what I wear, for me it's much more than that eagle or crocodile logo...

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